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Kanye's Situation

I told you Kanye West was crazy. I don’t feel bad for him anymore. I think he has Dementia. (look it up) Do his theatrics even surprise you anymore? I was astounded when I saw the album cover for his new cd, ‘My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy’. He claims it’s a phoenix straddling him on the album cover. How the hell does that look like a phoenix and not a woman?! To me it looks like a white woman or even Amber Rose straddling him while he’s going crazy. Kanye and his subliminal messages, it should make you wonder what hes really trying to convey from this picture. Whatever it is can't be good. The record label doesn’t want him to release the cover but as usual Kanye disagrees and says they are ‘not letting him express his creativity’. Why doesn’t he see that most educated people see right through him? Kanye is not fooling anyone with these publicity stunts he tries to pull off for attention. Its funny (and alarming) how different he has become since the albums “College Dropout” and “Late Registration”. I used to like him. Smh… The world we live in is full of it…
By Megan Chase   www.twitter.com/meganchase1