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The Black Female

As I look at videos, magazines, or clothes ads I see a lost of a black female. What surprises me is that they are all directed and catering to a black audience. Go look at a music video right now. The principle, main girl, is most definitely the lightest or even another race. This concerns me because it shows how black men view the black women in this world. Even our celebrities follow this example. I have to make the case though, that most of these men that end up getting paid millions are not the smartest of the bunch. Especially any ball player, they just end up following what others are doing or what they see on TV anyway, so I barely take what they are doing seriously. But, when I see that our top female artists are all of a lighter shade it makes me question. Even on most sitcoms the main female role is played by a lighter black. Even in hosting situations the female is the lightest of the light or of another ethnicity. Most definitely this can affect a females self esteem when she sees no one that looks similiar to her in a celebrity status. This is what skin lighting creams and bleaches were made for people! The world we live in is full of it….
                   By Megan Chase   www.twitter.com/meganchase1