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This topic can be taken in any direction.  As much as I'd like to leave it open...I must narrow it down a bit.  We're talkin' about the sweet, freshness of a new fling or friendship.  It's amazing ladies when we find a man and/or companion in the midst of our busy lives. Whether you work at Bally's, Hooters, or the bank...you have to admit that the routine of your everyday schedule can be boring.  So, when you've found someone to have fun with, it shakes things up!  You start out with simple text messages and it leads into a whole lot of other things if you find yourself really feeling him, right.  There is also the added means of  live communication with skype, bbm, and face time!  New age match making is almost impossible without incorporating some form of technology.  So...how much is too much?  Do you think sexting is a little too far without the commitment of a relationship?  What about skype sex?  How much intimate access do you give to your new fling before the actual commitment ensues??  Just curious on your thoughts ladies.  Guys your welcome to engage in this also if you can handle it...

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