Ladies this is for you! How do you measure up? We claim we want a man who will be supportive and attentive right. He must possess all the characteristics of this dream guy we have made up in our minds from adolescence. Spiritually, physically, mentally, and sexually he MUST add up on every level. However, are we an equal counterpart? Do we have all these qualities? Oh wait I left out one key! Can we measure up and provide a beautiful balance to the mate we want for ourselves.
Most women are still waiting for the captain to come in and save them! As if the prince on the white horse is real...yea right! And this isn't just a monetary issue. We want love and adoration for someone and from someone we feel will complete us, but we don't know who we are sometimes to be able to do the same for him. We need to understand that a union is just that...two whole things coming together as one and balancing each other out. It's a beautiful thing!