Both of those don't add points to our perception. So have fun with it! Allow me to elaborate a little... As a sexual and independant grown woman, I must say I can appreciate a nice penis, as well as an abundant pocket size. I really do prefer a little of both. On the flip side, my friends vary in their decisions. One opps out for an awesome penis and my other girlfriend prefers her mate to have inches on his wallet instead of his "johnson". What do you ultimately decide? I want all the juicy details on today's booty boost
Pocket Size or Penis Size???
That is the question! This topic is so funny amoung females b/c if asked to the opposite sex..."Oprah or Halle?" 75% of men are definately going to choose Oprah. But we women sometimes feel the need to hold back on this answer b/c we don't want to look bad. Lol! However, with these particular options we're either going to be viewed as a goldigger or a nympho.
Both of those don't add points to our perception. So have fun with it! Allow me to elaborate a little... As a sexual and independant grown woman, I must say I can appreciate a nice penis, as well as an abundant pocket size. I really do prefer a little of both. On the flip side, my friends vary in their decisions. One opps out for an awesome penis and my other girlfriend prefers her mate to have inches on his wallet instead of his "johnson". What do you ultimately decide? I want all the juicy details on today's booty boost
Both of those don't add points to our perception. So have fun with it! Allow me to elaborate a little... As a sexual and independant grown woman, I must say I can appreciate a nice penis, as well as an abundant pocket size. I really do prefer a little of both. On the flip side, my friends vary in their decisions. One opps out for an awesome penis and my other girlfriend prefers her mate to have inches on his wallet instead of his "johnson". What do you ultimately decide? I want all the juicy details on today's booty boost