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Mixed Nuts!

Aren't we all interracial? Lol, I mean seriously! Why is this such a big deal. Men are men, and woman are awesome! Colors and cultures just make it more explosive and adventurous. I heard recently that the rate of interracial unions has doubled over the last 10 yrs. It happens to be that mostly Asian women are at the top of the list. The most saught after now a days, I guess. The same person who told me that asked if I was offended. Why?? 

Offended that black men more commonly prefer an asian sensation when they decide to step out of the crayon box! Who cares! I love all the different mixes and blends. We are ALL mixed nuts! Who am I to judge?!? I have no problem meshing with the endless rainbow of colors from the darkest to the light bright whites! :) I love all MEN! I could be with anyone if they have the right character!! Color is optional! Oh YEA "booty boost" YEA 
