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Let's Stay Together!!!

Hypothetical Situation: Okay, I cheated! You've been in love with me for almost a year and things have been dope so far.  Our friends like each other, you baught me a puppy for my birthday, and your mom thinks I'm a great catch.  Yes we both have busy schedules and life has been quite hectic lately, but I have given you NO reason to believe that I am unhappy with in our relationship.  However... a month ago we accidentally switched phones (we have the same blackberry) and I was able to see a few questionable bbm mesages from a couple ( TWO different) ex flames.  Now, at first I panicked.  My heart was beating faster than I could breath and I immediately thought of 3 different ways to kill you and get away with it. (I watch 'Snapped' on the lifetime channel...A LOT) Then, I realized "these are just mesages".  Its not like I walked in on you banging my best friend or saw some obscene party photos tagged to you on your facebook page. 
 "Its JUST mesages...right?" This thought ravished my mind for an entire week before I noticed 'hot boy' at the gym I work out at.  Tall, beautiful, and a slightly better body than yours! We bump in to each other at the water fountain, and of course the flirting begins. Long story short... a month later I tell you I'm on the rooftop hanging out with friends, when really I'm on 'top' of Him! Lord forgive me...I'm pacing and burning a whole in our rug the next morning when you leave for work, wondering if I should tell you or not. "Or maybe I could just write a post it and leave it on the fridge after I pack all my stuff and runaway".
This is horrible, I feel bad about it...but I am able to justify everything because of your BBM's I discovered a while back. You arrive home later in the evening to my face full of tears and I begin to pour my heart out about what I did while placing the blame on you...What do you do? #SeriousQuetion Follow me & Respond
