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Bronner Brother's Hair Show Stoppers!!!! (The fashion)

I attended the Bronner Brother's Hair Show last weekend and I have to say, I SAW THE CRAZIEST, THE TACKIEST, THE SCARIEST Outfits I have ever seen in my life. Lets run down my favorites.   
Playboy Bunnies you are NOT!!!! 
At least she is matching.. 

Wow, ummm it looks like a rainbow through up on her. Ewww.

Pimping pimping pimping... Question: When did pimps start wearing glitter? 

Thats one big pussy.... 

Batman and Robin... I'm literally speechless. 

Sundays best.. He was running away from my camera.

Lets get one thing straight, Im not picking on these people, they knew what they were doing lol. They even posted for SOME of the pics.. :-) As long as you wear what you want and have the BALLS to work it do what you feel.