Social Network Love?
Is it possible? I mean really? There are so many social networking sites now a days I really can't keep track of them all. But, is it actually possible to genuinely fall head over heels in love with someone you met online??
I think its B.S. to be honest with you! I have a hard time getting to know and understand a man that I'm involved with even after months of dating. There are always new things you learn from people the more you are around them. Even married couples are still getting to know each other years into the relationship. So, to have no physical contact, and to not be able to read body language or exchange intimate facial expressions how can one really consider an online love connection.
Now when I say, intmate facial expressions, I am not talking about "fuck faces"! I am referring to things like enjoying a persons smile, and if their eyebrows raise when they get excited or surprised, and if their nose flares up when they get mad, or how they look at you when you tell them 'I love you'! Those are all special parts of intimacy in my opinion! Even down to the type of hormones that come alive in you with a single kiss. It's MAGICAL! That my friends can not be experienced online! However, I am aware of people getting married and having full, healthy relationships from online dating or hooking up through these social networks. It just isn't for me... What do you think?
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