Private Camera Casting Held by: Vspot Blog, C.R.E.W. & Donna Soublet 12/27/10 Time: 3-pm-9pm
Location: 44 12th St NE Atlanta GA 30309
Limited availability. Please RSVP w/ Headshot and/or full body photo Submit to: (model admission free w/ RSVP) For parking: ask for validation
- professional models, socialites, actresses etc. (must email head shot & full body)
- bring comp cards & bio/resume
-models will be filmed answering various questions
- film reel used for the Vspot Blog’s “Role Model” monthly article
- models will be posted to the website for voting
- model with the most votes will hold the title of “Role Model” of the month
- winner receives a 1-look photo shoot with celebrity photographer
- shoot featured on Blog along with article/bio of winning model
The event is hosted by; Donna Soublet: owner of Vivacious Models & agent for Ethnicity Talent pool Casting held at the “Hours to Victory” Day Party for The Atlanta Falcons and New Orleans Saints game Pre-Party.
MODELS WILL HAVE A SECTION DURING GAME PARTY (models are welcome to stay during entire Day Party and After Party)
For More Info Contact: (504)-333-3472 or (315)-706-3115