The Dictionary defines "Vivacious" as such:
vi·va·cious/vəˈvāSHəs/Adjective: (esp. of a woman) Attractive, beautiful, lively, animated and socially recognizable.
That definition could not fit Ms. Donna Soublet any better. since our first meeting, her beauty and liveliness transcended the all meeting. I was equally impress with her knowledge and work ethics. So I decided to help her anyway I can achieve whatever goals she may decide to achieve. Come to find out her number one goals at this moment is "VIVACIOUS MODELS". And who would blame her for bringing us the most beautiful ladies and Gentleman out there for us to enjoy.
I have only wish you all could see what she has in store for us, her daily life as a woman business owner and also the funny side of what it takes to make it in the entertainment world. SO I GIVE YOU VIVACIOUS WORLD. A place where I hope my friend Donna will give you a glimpse of her models, her events and most of all herself.

Ms Soublet, this is your world we want to be part of it so share it with us... We will be looking forward to it.
Given by Timothee A.