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We all know what this is... Its that love sick beast that roars in us but only makes a guest appearance when we're drunk! When you're mad at your significant other about a phone call they received from an ex last week, but you held it in until you were tipsy...then a fight ensues. A literal fist fight...right ladies! For some reason we think we can kill a man with our bare hands when we're angry and drunk. Emotions fly and those long islands give us the wings!  Why do we do this?? We know better naturally, but for some reason it always seems to make sense during the battle. Guys you don't make it any better by bringing up the time your lady went out with her girls, and didn't call you all night. So of course you assume she's cheating. This is dangerous people! We have to learn to control our love sick hearts and much less our drinking!

On a lighter note... The make-up sex after the fight is usually awesome! So... While you're hanging out for new years and someone else respectfully notices your mate, count it as a compliment instead of throwing a drink in their face then go home and rip each other apart (intimately) HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYBODY!!!


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