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Drake's Costo Flow

Let me start off by saying I love Drake, he is super sexy and has a shine about him that says “I’m smart, sensitive and can blow your back out if you let me”. There is just one thing about Drake that is stopping me from jumping his bones, HIS STYLE!!!!!!! Drake's style is one of a person that shops at Coso or BJ’S or Sam’s like somewhere you can get black and white tees in bulk. Where is your stylist Honey?? Your wardrobe doesn’t match the swagger of your talent. I’m pretty sure you get a lot of pu$$y action, but if you upgrade your style I’m sure you can go from Video Models to Run Way Models. What do you think ladies would you give Drake your cookies in the threads he rocks? Dudes do you feel like Drake is a good fashion Role model ?

Well at least he doesn't dress like this anymore...:-)

                                        Thanks concreteloop.com for the pics.                                                                 
                                 Live by the 3 Bs: Be Dope, Be Positive, and Be You.
                         Follow me www.twitter.com/GigiBlue promise, I'm a fun girl ;-).